Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well, here I am at work, blogging again!  May sure seems to be the season for graduations!!  haha!  Tuesday we had Miss Hallie's pre-school graduation.... boy, I can not believe she will be going to Kindergarten in the fall!  It makes me so sad!!  Moving on to Friday evening, we had my baby brother, Jake's graduation, which really had me thinking.  As I sat and watched him walk across the stage to receive his deploma, and I saw my 5 year old daughter sit in her seat and scream when they read his name, a flood of emtions over took me.  It seems as if Jake was 5, just the other day, I swear!  Dear Lord, I hope, and I pray, with all of my might, that the next 13 years don't fly by as quickly as the last 13... I'm just not quite ready to see my baby girl walk across the stage and pick up her high school diploma!  Tonight we went to Josh's cousin, Markus, high school graduation party.  Markus was 13 when I married into the family... same situation here!  Where does time go?!

On a different note, I need to be posting some pictures!!  Hadlie Mae sure is changing and growing so quickly.  She weighs 17 pounds now!  I tell ya, that doesn't seem possible either!  I'll try to make a point this week to make time to upload pictures!  Until then, I'm signing off!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

     When I started this whole blog thing, I kept thinking to myself, "When am I ever going to find the time to blog?"  Well, I've proved myself right.  I started my blog page bored at work, and I find myself continuing my blog, bored at work!
     The days & weeks have been flying by, one after another.  This weekend has been especially busy.  Hallie had her first t-ball game yesterday.  She loves it!  She told me that a little boy from the other team asked her what her name was.... her reply, "I'm not telling!  Sorry!"  (See if you can picture her saying that with her sassy attitude, lol!)
     Today is not only Mother's Day, but Hadlie was also baptized at church this morning.  We were so blessed to have most of our family present to celebrate with us.  We also had dinner afterwards in the church fellowship hall.  Hayden was also baptized on Mother's Day, and it was a "tradition" I wanted to carry on with Hadlie.  It was a wonderful, somewhat stressful day. :)  But we were able to all catch a decent, much needed nap after lunch!
     Today has been a special Mother's Day, my first one to share with Hadlie Mae.  She is special to me in so many ways.  I know that if Hayden was still her, Hadlie wouldn't be.  That is such a bittersweet thought for me, one that I almost cannot comprehend.  How can a mother's heart be broken for the loss of her son, but so full of love for her daughter?  I miss and think about Hayden every day, but especially on special holidays.  Most Mother's Day cards thank moms for "everything they do", but for me, Mother's Day is a celebration of my beautiful kiddos that get to call me Mommy.  I love every minute of it!!  Today at church, a special poem was shared.... it brought tears to my eyes!

Wet Oatmeal Kisses

One of these days you'll explode and shout to all the kids, "Why don't you just grow up and act your age!" And they will...

Or, "You guys get outside and find something to do -- without hurting each other And don't slam the door!" And they don't.

You'll straighten their bedrooms until it's all neat and tidy, toys displayed on the shelf, hangers in the closet, animals caged. You'll yell, "Now I want it to stay this way!" And it will...

You will prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't had all the olives picked out and a cake with no finger traces in the icing and you'll say, "Now this is a meal for company." And you will eat it alone...

You'll yell, "I want complete privacy on the phone. No screaming, Do you hear me?" And no one will answer.
No more plastic tablecloths stained. No more dandelion bouquets. No more iron-on patches. No more wet, knotted shoelaces, muddy boots or rubber bands for ponytails.

Imagine.... a lipstick with a point, no babysitters for New Years Eve, washing clothes only once a week, no PTA meetings or silly school plays where your child is a tree, no car pools, blaring stereos or forgotten lunch money.

No more Christmas presents made of library paste and toothpicks, no wet oatmeal kisses, no more tooth fairy, no more giggles in the dark, scraped knees to kiss or sticky fingers to clean.

Only a voice asking, "Why don't you grow up?" And the silence echoes: "I did"

- unknown

I don't want to think about what my life will be like 25 years from now.  I'm looking at my parents and thinking, "When did we grow up?"  I remember the day they brought my baby brother home from the hospital... in 2 weeks he will be gradutation high school.  It just doesn't seem possible.

For now, I'll gladly keep my wet oatmeal kisses. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Made It Through!

Well, I made it through the day, and I'm still going strong!  I'm pretty proud of myself.  This blog thing is kinda addicting.... I think I might even like it better than Facebook!  Both of the girls were still asleep when I got home from work at 7:30... and we all got to sleep until 8:30!  Whoo hoo!  We had a fun day around the house... Hadlie got to enjoy listening to her sister read to her for about 30 minutes!  These girls just look like they belong together!  I praise God that they're mine!!

Hadlie taking time out to look at the camera!

Hallie is so proud that's she "reading" to her Sissy!  You should have seen the stack of books they went through!!  It was huge!!  :)

Tummy time!!

Well, I think I'm going to head to bed.  It's just that time!  Here is another picture of Hadlie I took last week.... just love it!!  Night all!

Looooong Day Ahead

Boy, it's going to be a long day ahead.  I will be off work in a little over an hour (7 am).  I've been here since 3 pm yesterday.  These 16 hour shifts are hard!!  I'm so ready to get home and see the girls.  Hopefully they're kind to me today and let me take a nap!  I'll be running on four hours of sleep..... whew.  This Mom needs at least eight hours....preferably 10!  I've tried to be super organized and super efficient and set the alarm to get up before the girls, shower, get dressed, hair, makeup....  have quiet time and read my Bible...  get a load of laundry going and the house picked up..... maybe even make something yummy for Hallie for breakfast...  THEN they get up??  Ok, I want to know... does this seriously happen?  It my perfect world, yes, it does.  But my house is by far perfect!  Here is a reality check.  I sleep till the first girl wakes up... usually Hadlie, and that's between 7 & 8:00.  Feed and play with her, eventually get breakfast for Hal, possibly pick up a little bit... make it to the shower by 9:30 or 10... by the time I get myself ready it's time for lunch.  SERIOUSLY???  Where has my morning gone???  I've tried being super Mom/Wife, and go to bed when Josh does around 9 or 9:30 (if Hadlie is in bed!!), get up when he does.... or at least by 6:30....  but GEEZ!  I just don't function like that!  I'm more of a stay-up-late & get things done then, and sleep in kind of girl....  is there anything wrong with that??!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Something New

Well, not sure that this is what I need.... something else to distract my time and something else to upkeep! But, for those of you that know me well, you'll know that I love to write. It's my way of relaxing, so to say. I also thought it'd be a good way for friends & family to keep up with the daily happenings in the Scott home, and to document many things!

Hallie Lynn is now 5, going on 12. We pre-registered her for Kindergarten last week. She is so excited and ready to go... wish Mommy could say the same! After we left the school, she was upset that she didn't get to "sign her name" to anything! She just really thought that she'd get to write on a piece of paper. The school secretary told her that she remembered when her Daddy was in Kindergarten. Her reply, "THAT was a long time ago!" LOL, What can I say, she's her father's daughter. ;)

Hallie had her first dance recital last night in Olney. It reminded me of my dance recital days! Her jazz class danced to "All the Single Ladies (the Chipmunks' verson). I must say, I was a proud Momma! That's definately her cup of tea. Hallie felt very grown up, because she got to wear eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, blush, and lipstick. She thought it was pretty cool that I was putting my Mary Kay on HER! I even gave her her own tube of lipstick. She took it to church with her in her purse today... and put it on at least three times while we were there. That's my girl!! :)

Hallie is also in her third week of swim lessons, and we start t-ball practice this week. She is a busy busy 5 year old!

Hadlie Mae is 4 months old. Hard to believe. She can roll from her belly to her back. She loves jumpin' in her Jump-A-Roo... she gets such a kick from it! Hadlie is growing and changing every day. She's been eating veggies and fruits for a few weeks now. The peditrician had me start her on solids much earlier than Hallie. Her favorites seem to be carrots & peaches. Hadlie is such a happy baby, and her Big Sister is so proud of her! I really don't think anything will ever come between those girls. Hallie told Hadlie a few days ago, "Sissy, I love you, and I will always be on your side!" My, my, how I love my girls.

Josh has been planting corn for a little over a week now. This past week was full of a bunch of late nights and early mornings. Hopefully he'll be done planting in another two weeks or so... then he'll be back on a bit of a normal schedule until it's time for detasseling. He's spent a week in the April Illinois sun, and he looks like he just got back from Florida vacation. I wish I could do that!!

As for me... I'm still workin' my Mary Kay, picking up a few shifts a week (mostly weekend time, when Josh can stay home with the girls) at WGH, planning Beulah's VBS, and trying to keep up the duties of Mommy & Wife. Oh, forgot to mention coaching Hal's t-ball team. Should be interesting!!